Every piece of written communication by your brand is for your brand. What you say and the way you say it tells the world what you stand for, what you believe in… who you are. 

Of course, words are cheap and without action they don’t mean much. But used with purpose, personality and precision, backed up with a consistent brand identity, the way a brand speaks has huge significance. 

Pretty logos alone don’t fulfil your brand. It’s communication through words that presents an opportunity to drive measurable value. 

The instant hook of a tagline.
Persuasive long form content.
The heart-tapping power of an Instagram caption.
An emotive connection to nuanced packaging copy.

Sharing the story of your brand through written word goes far beyond superficial words on an obligatory website ‘About’ page. Getting your brand story across in the right way is vital at each and every stage of your consumer journey - each touchpoint offers the potential to engender a deeper relationship with your brand. 

But how can words transform potential customers into active brand ambassadors? How can written communication compound value, from one off transactions, to long-term brand interactions? 

Three words. Three syllables. 

Tone of voice. 

Citadel Tone of Voice

Tone of Voice (ToV) is the entire personality of your brand expressed through the written word.

ToV is the encapsulation of who your company is, who you want to connect with and where you want to position yourself in the world. Without this your brand has no voice. No connection to your audience. No solid value.

Whether you are new to market or an established business who wants to fine-tune your brand identity, tone of voice is a key tool to uncover the personality of your brand.

Here are three key areas to think about when establishing brand connection through tone of voice - a few ways to help empower your written communication with unique personality. 

Cornflake Brand Tag

What do you stand for?

As humans we make split second consumer choices based on what we see, hear or even make up about a brand. As social beings, we talk about, share and celebrate experiences. As individuals, we make judgements on what we feel, interpreting this information to make informed decisions. Using the written word, brands have the power to leave their customers saying “What’s behind that tagline?”… “I’ve been waiting for this brand for years! *clicks buy & subscribes*”… “When I opened the package, it was like they really understood why I choose them”.

On the flip side, there’s also the opportunity to confuse, delude and disenchant consumers. Whether voiced out loud to others or internalised by an individual, a solid implementation of your own tone of voice provides the opportunity to create action. To let people know who you are and to connect with them through words. 

vaabs Tone of Voice Executions

Nearly 50% of consumers will walk away from a brand if they are frustrated with the position it takes, or if it is unwilling to take a position at all.*

Beyond obvious transactional value, executing unique tone of voice allows your brand to flourish in a competitive landscape. 

So, whilst we live in a world full of visual stimulation and experiential encounters, words play a vital role to underpin the optics of your brand – they give you opportunity to deliver depth, intrigue or important brand awareness.

*Accenture’s purpose-led branding strategy research report, 2019.

Talk about your business to uncover the tone 

There is no magic wand when it comes to finding your tone of voice. In fact, surprisingly, it’s more of a science than an art… at least in the first instance. 

Tone of voice is the result of strategic findings from your competitor landscape, your business offering and customer habits. The culmination of category, company and consumer understanding. This is the science bit.

Building your tone of voice requires conversations with key stakeholders in your business - it’s all about personality after all. If your business is already established, it could mean speaking to your current customers to see why they buy with you, or meeting your business partnerships to understand why they choose you.

Getting your tone of voice right can enable your brand to create wonder with words.

Just think of the taglines from the world’s most loved brands, these weren’t plucked from thin air. These are external communications created from a network of strategic thinking, brand understanding and tone of voice guidelines. Making it sound unforgettable is where the art comes in.

vaabs tagline

Establish A Toolkit 

Your brand toolkit is a set of rules that explain how your brand works. An overview of your brand’s history, vision, personality, key values, mission statement… tone of voice is an integral part of that.

Rules are important when it comes to tone of voice. They form the discipline for a replicable framework, rolling out clear, consistent and customer-captivating copy. 

Producing and understanding brand toolkit is fundamental to the consistency and strength of your brand. Everyone in your business should be able to read, interpret and live by your brand’s tone of voice rules. It’s crucial that everyone in your business understands tone of voice, not just the marketing department.

C3 Hope Tone of Voice Snapshot

Because putting your brand’s words into a document isn’t just a vanity exercise, it creates a rule book to drive identity for your business - at Unfound, we call it a ‘brand bible’.

The bottom line is, if someone who knew nothing about your business came into it, could they be an ambassador for your brand after reading the toolkit - would they be able communicate in your brand’s tone of voice?

We can help

Reach out if your business needs help communicating what it stands for, producing an ownable tone of voice and capturing written guidelines to connect your brand with customers.

The coffee is on us.

Joey Lee

Joey gets words and words don't get away from him.

A background in marketing communications and brand copywriting enables him to write compelling content across industries, from FinTech to Fashion.


